Monday, February 16, 2015

Going Back to Danao City

After our delightful stay at Nonok Beach House, it was time to head back to our "Home Sweet Home" and be poor again. Yes, true because only rich people deserved vacation like this. But this way of thinking should change. Everyone, regardless of their status in the society, deserved a break to relax, unwind and be stress free even for a short period of time. After all we are all humans and we all need a moment to rest.

The photo above and below was taken at the terminal in Consuelo. Yes, the place was so green, clean and quite for a terminal. Most inhabitants of Camotes Island left to pursue their education or luck to some major cities in the country. They settled there and returned to the island on special occasions only. That is why the island was not crowded just like some other small islands in the country. So if you want to live in a quite place there were lots of affordable spaces in the island.

The terminal fee was 5 pesos per head. Did I mention that the boat fare cost us 180 pesos each? Now I did. The hired driver was very kind to offer to wait for us until the boat arrives. He wanted to see to it that we did get the ride. He said that if we cannot catch the boat here, he can bring us to the other port. How thoughtful! 

Here comes the boat and it's boarding time. Most passengers ran to get the best seats inside the boat. Haha, I checked if we were that many and if we really needed to compete for the best seats. I scanned the people and noticed that there were only few people. I was pretty sure that there were enough seats for all of us. So, no need for me to hurry and time for perfect picture moments.

Good bye Camotes!

Once the boat left we all took our final glimpse of the island. We enjoyed our stay but then we may not be able to come back again. For now our curiosity had been satisfied. Before all we heard were stories about the island and it's people but right now we already saved its picture into our memories. We now have stories to tell,experiences to narrate and places to recommend to our dear friends who also wanted to visit this island someday.

Danao City, here we come!

We arrived home safe and we were very thankful. Some will not want their whole family to ride a boat or a plane. They worry about the "karma". What if the boat will sink or the plane will crash? But for us, as long as we are together there is no reason for us to fear for we have each other.

There is no place like home. We may reached so many places but we will always come back to Danao City. You may asked about natural attractions, places to visit or famous delicacies of Danao City and my answer will be none. And then you will wonder why I still love my home place. The answer is simple, I love the people, I love the Danawanons!!

By the way, remember the drama we had at Timubo cave? I mean the chicken tinola. We bought the pail so that we can bring the soap with us. That pail was at the center of the above photo. It became a perfect prop in our photo shoot.

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