Friday, February 13, 2015

Dancing Oppa Gangnam Style

After fishing and sightseeing that morning, we decided to shoot our family dance number for this travel. Yes, we did prepared one. Dreamily, I told them that we will dance it on the whitest sandbar of Camotes Island. That they will be dancing the famous "oppa gangnam style" with the bluest sea as their background. We even bought with us a portable music box so that we can dance anywhere we wanted.

They were excited and practiced for a week. My sisters, their mothers, supported and willingly joined the dancing fever. The preparation was not that easy because they always turned out to be incomplete. They tend to change their dance steps from time to time. The rest had a hard time catching up plus the fact that our family were not good dancers. Haha, but the spirit was there and we loved fun which was the equalizer.

Unfortunately, we were not able to get the desired beach. We ended up in a rocky shoreline, remember? But as you can see, the greens were equally beautiful and lovely to look at. The background was perfect and cool for the eyes. The area was not exposed to the sun rays but still bright. This scenery still shine on video so we were not that sorry.

Oh, how we end up dancing again and again. Since mastery was always a question, we all agreed that we needed to have a final practice. But every time the music ends, we still feel the need for another round of final practice. This had happened continuously just like forever  until we ran out of battery. So after all our efforts we were not able to record the final video of this dance. All we had was the funny videos of all our final dance practices.

But it did not matter at all. Dancing alone was already fun. We were experimenting actions during our final practice and most of it showed the individuality of each in the family. This was a major turning point of our relationships as a family. Clearly, we are now comfortable with each other. We can now express ourselves freely to the family. Our travels together had made us closer and we can now understand each other better.

Our dance steps now looks like an exercise but we were in the mood like that of great entertainers. Though the series of final practices we had consumed our energy, enthusiasm and strength to carry on. But the young ones were winners because they were able to sustain this activity longer. Evidently, they still had the power to jump and put up a showdown. We were not good dancers but we still manage to pull this activity to a success. 

We are so proud of our family!!

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