Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Welcome to "The Philippine Eagle Center"

Davao is the home of our national bird, the Philippine Monkey Eating Eagle. This is also one of the reason why we choose this place as one of our destination. We traveled towards Mt. Apo to visit the birds' sanctuary. I think the entrance fee is P50.00 per head. But before that we paid another entrance at the place where we park the rented Van. 

This is our first time to see an eagle. Unfortunately we live in a place where an eagle did not exist anymore. My father told us that these birds can only survive in big forest. Our mountains are already barren to the point that no single tree is standing. Only grasses survive together with the spiders that we used to catch and play as a child. That is how wonderful this journey to all of us.

 I can understand why this type of bird is subject to extinction. With a size like that, local hunters may not stop chasing this bird until it is roasted and paired with coconut wines over their dining table. Poor little birds in our locality were always hunted by men and boys alike. I agree that the taste is exquisite and the hunt looks like fun. Just by looking at this big bird I can tell that it should taste better and hunting this mighty king should be more challenging.

However, eagles are vital part of our ecosystem and their presence should be respected by everyone. We are happy that Davao del Sur is able to accommodate these birds on their forest. Hopefully they will continue this endeavor with the aid of endless list of individuals with golden hearts. Yes, I know that there are a lot more people who care.

We were not able to get a tour guide so we miss the education about these birds. Maybe because we were so excited to explore the forest right away. Though, it did not matter because we enjoy each others' company. 

There are different bird species inside the cage but we choose to obey the rules. The least that we can do to those sad and poor birds are to not frighten them at all. A cage is awful no matter how good the view you see outside. Or it can be worst seeing the wild, abundant and beautiful nature all around you everyday from a cage when you cannot explore it. But then we all know that inside they are protected, duly cared and well preserved. 

If only this eagle can fly safely anywhere...

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