Friday, March 31, 2017

A Road Trip in Davao

Inside the van was chaos (joke). Haha, we cannot blame ourselves because it was our first time to be in Davao. The city is famous because of Durian, our national fruit. We do not have these trees in Cebu so we were all excited to see it. The kids were shouting "DURIAN" while on the road.

That was why we decided to stop beside one of the fruit stalls along the road. We challenged these kids to eat Durian. That was another lasting moment of their childhood. After this taste challenge they were not chanting D-U-R-I-A-N anymore but M-A-R-A-N-G instead. LOL!!

The Van driver also brought us to this below store to shop for some famous Davao delicacies. Along this road we were able to buy the famous POMELO. Actually all I can remember was we bought bunch of pomelo and not the sweets displayed at this store.

I want to eat POMELO from Davao!!

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