Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The #013 Visitor

I visited UP Cebu today to register myself on the needed workshops to qualify for the Masters' Program. I decided to be there around 01:00 PM today since I accompanied father this morning on his important errand.

The two hour journey under the fierce heat of the sun is not a joke and I wonder if I could survive doing this everyday once my classes start. My head is somewhat aching so I decided to take up some multivitamins to keep me sane.

I am inside the school campus as planned and walking under the old trees is a different feeling. The wind is fresh, cool and relaxing that I began to appreciate the power of Mr. Acacia Tree. I should take a note that my home just in case I can build one should be surrounded by dwarf coconut trees. Yes, I love to eat "buko" and at the same time, it can shield me from the harsh heat from the sun.

The UP Cebu campus is so relax during this time. Maybe the final exam is over that is why few students are now relaxing on benches or inside the small huts build under the trees while listening to the radio with DJ playing "Bisaya Music". I wonder why I am hearing it too so I look up and saw speakers scattered above the shaded pathways. I love this place already! I ended up singing those songs too, while walking towards the MBA Office. I even decided to stay a bit just to finish one more song. I also noticed some ladies wearing short shorts. One is also wearing an off shoulder blouse. Is is good to know that I can also wear shorts here, Haha!!

I was surprise that the lady in the office remembers my name already. We only meet thrice and during those meetings I was with my co-applicants. She must be really good if she can name all of us. But then she told me that my name is so unique and beautiful. She smiled to me genuinely and that made me believe that she do like it. She asked on who and why I was given that name. I was amused and I retorted shortly that I am not sure what my father was thinking at the time of my birth. At least, thanks to you Papa! Because of my given name people can easily recall me. I have a blog about my name on my dead blog account and I am thinking of posting it here. Hopefully, I can still recover that article. We'll see!!

So far, I noticed that the processing of MBA application is simplified. I only talked to one person about the steps. After that I paid directly to the cashier using a single slip and then upon returning the slip to MBA office, I am done!!!

I still need to pass the workshops to be accepted and I shall blog about it.

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