Monday, March 20, 2017

Screwed Eyeglasses?

Yes, this has been my problem for a couple of months now. I visited the store where I bought it but they refuse to entertain me. They need to see my warranty and validate my entitlement first. Imagine travelling for two hours to reach the store and learned that they will not even repair it even if I am willing to pay. They are not willing to sell me the screw needed. Horrible, how such a very tiny thing become one of my worries. I love this reading glass and I have a hard time parting with it!

I tried looking for the receipt but to no avail. The store advised me to go to eyeglass repair shops along the sidewalks but I do not know where on earth they are! Does this means that I have to wander all the way along Colon and Manalili Streets to get my reading glass repaired? Don't get me wrong but I am quite familiar with these streets. I used to walk these streets while finishing my college degree and I am aware of shoe and jewelry repairs shops occupying the sidewalk but I cannot remember any eyeglass repair shops. 

Good thing that I shared this problem to my father who told me that some "relohiro" in Danao City Public Market can repair it easily. My fathers says that he is a jack of all trades. And true enough because "relohiro" or someone who repairs watches has so many screws to spare. We paid him a visit this morning and seen him working closely with a watch using his magic lens, haha!! I was so happy that for only 30 pesos, I am wearing again my favorite eyeglass!! Thanks.

For those who have lost some tiny screws, you can visit him in Danao City Public Market. His repair shop is located in front of the flower shops.

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