Saturday, April 18, 2015

Food Trip in Boracay

I have been reading a lot of articles on where to dine best in Boracay. Bloggers had been recommending a lot of dining possibilities where you can experience great food with great value for your money. Since we were on a budget trip, we decided to go for "smoke house" for their famous balbacua.

Balbacua is for my father because we, the siblings, will not eat beef dishes. We inherited it from my mother who never let my father ate any beef dishes at home. She will not even let our father use any of our utensils. That is why my father ate beef with our neighbors using our neighbor's plate. I already mentioned this sentiment on my previous blog.

I've mistaken it as a grill house so the people at 'd Mall cannot figure out what we are looking for. It was hard to find it there but I was determine as I always was so in the end we find it in a hidden corner at the back of "Andok's Grill". The food there were serve while smoking hot and I find it less appealing but still we give it a try.

These dishes could have been delicious if only the meat were fresh. We were disappointed and in the end we decided to dine again and again at "Andoks". The food there was cheap and taste good enough for our liking.

We also searched Jonah's for the famous fruit shake. Bloggers wrote that they were cheap and the best in the island but it's not cheap and it taste ordinary. For 100-120 pesos per bottle, I cannot feel the great value of my money. I am a fan of "Thirsty" and it's far more better that the shake we've come to in Boracay. I find it expensive and not worth to visit.

We are choosy when it comes to food and we do not like too much spices. Others may find them great and we still respect their opinion. After all, each of us have unique taste buds.

After the food trip, we stayed at the beach and enjoyed the beauty of the island. People from different races were everywhere and we were happy to be just there watching them from afar. My sisters will be bringing home more stories about this famous island.

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