Sunday, October 14, 2018

Olango Island Hopping

Olango Island is not only the home of migratory birds but it also shield some local fish species from extinction. Illegal fishing has been so rampant that local governments need to put up sanctuaries to protect not only the fishes but also the corals from destruction due to dynamite fishing. 

These sanctuaries become source of income of the locals who entertain local and foreign tourist and we are happy that Olango has become one. If you want to swim, dive and visit the underwater of this island, then come to Olango and witness how they were able to preserve the local fishes. I will not say that they are successful but we did enjoy the underwater life on this island. The underwater world may not look that wild but happy fishes (small, big and big big) are more than ready to swarm visitors bringing fish delights (hihi... they love loafs of bread).

The ride on a local motorboat itself is fun. Sailing is an adventure that one will not miss. The thrill is there and you are doing it with young people who knows so much how to have fun and who turns simple things to fun is so full of fun. Haha!

Happy faces and excitement is all we had. Goodbye stress!! See you again when we dock in!!!

"Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!"